



I'm working on a menubar note-taking app with Simplenote syncing support, and it's been using a separate title and content for each note. It shows the title in an NSTableView and the content in an NSTextView, but now I would like for it to show the content as the title in the table view like in Simplenote. My problem is that I would like for it to show the title only up until it reaches a newline, but I don't know how to do it.

+1  A: 

Simplest way is to break apart the string using -componentsSeparatedByString: and pass in \n which will return an array with the components broken apart. Then grab the zeroth element from the array.

Marcus S. Zarra
Note that you are not going to be able to do this in IB so I would suggest writing a convenience method in the `NSManagedObject` subclass to handle this and return the zeroth element. It will make your table bindings **much** easier.
Marcus S. Zarra
So, I have to subclass NSManagedObject? I'm still pretty new to Core Data, bindings, etc.
Nevermind, I got everything working. Thanks. :)