



I am going to develop an iPhone app, and I need to know what to expect of startup costs. I have never used Mac or any Apple products before, so I have no pointers as to where to look. Hope to draw experience from you guys.

+2  A: 

Technically, you can do without the device (the iPhone or iPod Touch) as the development environment ships with a simulator. I've witnessed differences, though, so this is probably not a good place to save. (Another answer suggested you buy a used iPod Touch - that would probably do for starters.)

I guess any Mac will do. I've had no problems with a Mac Mini (starting at $599).

EDIT Oh, in case you're actually asking where to buy the items, I suggest you consult other answers (or the Apple Store ... or any Apple retailer).

+9  A: 

Ok, So the best place to go is your nearest Apple reseller or store. And pick up a mac mini, since i assume you already have a monitor and mouse and keyboard coming from the PC (or linux side).

Then, get an ipod touch off ebay (or equiv) something cheap, at least 2nd gen. its just as good as an iPhone for the dev stuff you do in the first year. //update: note you cant use the device until you purchase the plan, but if you have a mate, who can give you provisioning files and such, then you can deploy to the device then.

Then learn obj-c and cocoa touch. (use the stanford podcasts on itunes U)

then, only when you have some apps ready to go, then buy the membership. If you buy this too soon , then they year you purchased is wasted on learning, rather than doing.

just some tips.


EDIT - On my blog, there are some old posts on me talking about getting started (when i was about 6 months ago). //This is not spam, or plugging, seriously, go to the NOV-2009 section.

Sam Jarman
+1 for suggesting to postpone membership ... and settle for a (used) iPod Touch.
lol cheers Jensgram
Sam Jarman
Without paying for the membership, you can't test on the device. So why buy an iPod?
correct you are. and ive updated my answer
Sam Jarman
I strongly disagree with the postponing of your membership in the developer program. A large part of learning how to develop for the iPhone is seeing how things really work on the device in real life. Interfaces that you've tested using a mouse may not work anywhere near the same when used with a finger, and performance will be wildly different from the Mac. Also, if you have never used Apple products before, you will need to acclimate yourself to the platform to understand the interface conventions and how other applications have solved similar problems to your own.
Brad Larson

To develop iphone applications (for later sale in the app store) you need:

  • Any intel mac, secondhand for $200,-
  • An iphone or ipod touch secondhand for $100,-
  • A subscription to the iphone developer program $99,-/yr
  • knowledge of objective-c and the platform...... priceless

Depending on your development experience the last point could take a few hours, or several months or more. Cost/hour depends on how much you value your free time.

jilles de wit