Ok I have a sql server database view with a list of bookings (employee, date, charge). What i need to do is create a PerformancePoint chart that basically lists the employees and totals all their charges for a particular period. e.g.
Karen 01/01/2010 £50Jim 01/01/2010 £20
Karen 02/01/2010 £30
Tim 03/01/2010 £70
Chart for January
Karen £75
Jim £60
Tim £70
The data would then be used in various graphs etc..
How would i go about doing this? I have PerformancePoint raring to go, and I can enter sql statements etc...but its the totalling the individuals and only returning results for a specific period (that can change) that I am struggling with. Would i need to use a web service for this? I know how to make them but no idea how to integrate with PerformancePoint.
Many thanks to all who contribute