



I'm trying to re-implement ASP.NET MVC routing rules in C++ for my own MVC application.
Currently the code takes at least O(N) at best case and more if accessing the controller/action inside an unordered_map is not O(1).
I would like my code to prefer a route with a controller that's already in the URI, for instance if the current URI is 'projects/2/show' and I have '[Controller]/[Action]/[ID]/', '[Controller]/[ID]/[Action]/', 'projects/[ID]/[Action]/' and 'projects/[ID]/show' I prefer the last route to be tested for a match first.
My question is how can it be done?

As of now it will iterate through all of the routes and try to match it.
I tried to document the code as much as possible but let me know if something is unclear.

My current code looks like this:

// handlePathChange() is called whenever the URI changes

void MVCApplication::handlePathChange()
 // Right now I'm iterating a list (O(N) runtime)
 RoutesListType::iterator iter = routes.begin(); 

 // If there are no routes then something is wrong
 if ( iter == routes.end() )
  log("Error") << "No routes found";

 bool pageFound = false;

 // iterate until a route matches or until the routes end
 while ( iter != routes.end() ) 
  if ( matches(*iter) )
   pageFound = true;


 // If a page is not found then log it
 if (!pageFound)
  log("Error") << "404, page at url " << internalPath() << " not found";

bool MVCApplication::matches(Route &r)
 log("Notice") << "Matching route pattern " << r.getPattern() + " to url " << internalPath();

  // gets the URI
 const string url = internalPath();

 char_separator<char> urlSep("/");
 char_separator<char> patternSep("[]/");

 boost::tokenizer<boost::char_separator<char> > patternTokens(r.getPattern(), patternSep);
 tokenizer<char_separator<char> > urlTokens(url, urlSep);

 int pos = 1;

 bool actionFound = false;

 Route::RouteDefaultsType &defaults = r.getDefaults(); // unordered_set<string, string>
 ControllerMapType &controllers = getControllers(); // unordered_set<string, shared_ptr<Controller> >

 ControllerType currentController; // shared_ptr<Controller>
 Controller::ActionType action; // boost::function that returns a view

 for (tokenizer<char_separator<char> >::iterator pattern_iter = patternTokens.begin(), url_iter = urlTokens.begin(); pattern_iter != patternTokens.end(); ++pattern_iter, pos++)
  if ( url_iter == urlTokens.end() ) // If the number of URI tokens is lower then route tokens seek default values
   if ( *pattern_iter == "Controller" || pos == 1) // Map controller to default
    if ( defaults.find(*pattern_iter) != defaults.end() )
     currentController = controllers[defaults[*pattern_iter]];
     log("Error") << "No default controller found";

     return false;
   else if ( *pattern_iter == "Action" ) // Map action to default
    Route::RouteDefaultsType::const_iterator iter = defaults.find(*pattern_iter);
    if ( iter != defaults.end() )
     if ( currentController->getActions().find(iter->second) != currentController->getActions().end() )
      action = currentController->getActions()[iter->second];
      actionFound = true;
   // Checks whether the hard-coded value in the route is an action or a parameter 
    Route::RouteDefaultsType::const_iterator iter = defaults.find(*pattern_iter);
    // Search for a static action eg. /[Controller]/edit/
    if ( currentController->getActions().find(iter->second) != currentController->getActions().end() ) 
     action = currentController->getActions()[iter->second];
     actionFound = true;
    else // Maps parameters to defualt values
     boost::unordered_map<string, string>::const_iterator iter = defaults.find(*pattern_iter);
     if ( iter != defaults.end() )
      currentController->addParameter(*pattern_iter, iter->second);
  else // Match non-default values
   if ( *pattern_iter == "Controller" || pos == 1) // Match controller
    if ( getControllers().find(*url_iter) != getControllers().end() )
     currentController = controllers[*url_iter];
     return false;
   else if ( *pattern_iter == "Action" ) // Match action
    if ( currentController->getActions().find(*url_iter) != currentController->getActions().end() )
     action = currentController->getActions()[*url_iter];
     actionFound = true;
   // Checks whether the hard-coded value in the route is an action or a parameter

    if ( currentController->getActions().find(*url_iter) != currentController->getActions().end() )
     action = currentController->getActions()[*url_iter];
     actionFound = true;
    else // If not, as a parameter
     currentController->addParameter(*pattern_iter, *url_iter);

// If controller action found show view
 if ( actionFound )
  if ( currentView )

  currentView = action(); // Perform action
  log("Error") << "No action found";
  return false;

 return true;

The algorithm is the following:

foreach route:
  if the route matches then: break.

  if number of url tokens < number of route pattern tokens then:
    if pattern token == "Controller" or it is the first token then:
      if the default controller exists then:
        assign it as the current controller.
        return false
    else if pattern token == "Action" then:
        if the default action exists in the current controller then:
          assign it as the current action.
          set actionFound to true.
        if the hard-coded action in the routes exists in the current controller then:
          assign it as the current action.
          set actionFound to true.
          if a default value for this parameter exists:
            add a parameter with a default value and route token as name to the current controller.
    if pattern token == "Controller" or it is the first token then:
      if the url token matches a controller name then:
        assign it as the current controller.
        return false
    else if pattern token == "Action" then:
      if the url token matches an action name inside the current controller then:
        assign it as the current action.
        set actionFound to true.
        if the hard-coded action in the uri token exists in the current controller then:
          assign it as the current action.
          set actionFound to true.
            add a parameter with a uri token as value and route token as name to the current controller.

if actionFound == true then:
  perform controller action.
  render view.

return actionFound

I would love for any suggestions for improvements, including in formatting and code structure but mainly in runtime efficiency.

+2  A: 

Try posting it on

That said, a couple of pointers (no pun intended):

  • try to keep the lines no longer than 80-120 characters, it gets hard to read when they are so long.
  • comment before the line, not after
  • the if .. then .. else tree also makes it hard to read. Split it into functions or use functional objects per type.
  • typedef templates (boost::tokenizer<boost::char_separator<char> > repeated is unreadable )

Those are only style tips. It's hard to read the code itself with such a structure ;).

Kornel Kisielewicz
How would you choose what to split into functions?
How about each branch becomes a function.
Liz Albin
but functions are parts of code that are reusable. these code is only executed once.
@the_drow: breaking it into functions isn't just about re usability, it is also about readability (and with modern compilers, the code should be just as performant).
Evan Teran
my problem is that all of those functions change the state of matches. in some branches they have to return false and in some branches they just set a flag. I don't know where to begin.