I've successfully loaded a C++ plugin using a custom plugin loader class. Each plugin has an extern "C" create_instance function that returns a new instance using "new".
A plugin is an abstract class with a few non-virtual functions and several protected variables(std::vector refList being one of them).
The plugin_loader class successfully loads and even calls a virtual method on the loaded class (namely "std::string plugin::getName()".
The main function creates an instance of "host" which contains a vector of reference counted smart pointers, refptr, to the class "plugin". Then, main creates an instance of plugin_loader which actually does the dlopen/dlsym, and creates an instance of refptr passing create_instance() to it. Finally, it passes the created refptr back to host's addPlugin function. host::addPlugin successfully calls several functions on the passed plugin instance and finally adds it to a vector<refptr<plugin> >.
The main function then subscribes to several Apple events and calls RunApplicationEventLoop(). The event callback decodes the result and then calls a function in host, host::sendToPlugin, that identifies the plugin the event is intended for and then calls the handler in the plugin. It's at this point that things stop working.
host::sendToPlugin reads the result and determines the plugin to send the event off to.
I'm using an extremely basic plugin created as a debugging plugin that returns static values for every non-void function.
Any call on any virtual function in plugin in the vector causes a bad access exception. I've tried replacing the refptrs with regular pointers and also boost::shared_ptrs and I keep getting the same exception. I know that the plugin instance is valid as I can examine the instance in Xcode's debugger and even view the items in the plugin's refList.
I think it might be a threading problem because the plugins were created in the main thread while the callback is operating in a seperate thread. I think things are still running in the main thread judging by the backtrace when the program hits the error but I don't know Apple's implementation of RunApplicationEventLoop so I can't be sure.
Any ideas as to why this is happening?
class plugin
virtual std::string getName();
std::vector<std::string> refList;
and the pluginLoader class:
template<typename T> class pluginLoader
public: pluginLoader(std::string path);
// initializes private mPath string with path to dylib
bool open();
// opens the dylib and looks up the createInstance function. Returns true if successful, false otherwise
T * create_instance();
// Returns a new instance of T, NULL if unsuccessful
class host
addPlugin(int id, plugin * plug);
sendToPlugin(); // this is the problem method
static host * me;
std::vector<plugin *> plugins; // or vector<shared_ptr<plugin> > or vector<refptr<plugin> >
apple event code from host.cpp;
host * host::me;
pascal OSErr HandleSpeechDoneAppleEvent(const AppleEvent *theAEevt, AppleEvent *reply, SRefCon refcon) {
// this is all boilerplate taken straight from an apple sample except for the host::me->ae_callback line
OSErr status = 0;
Result result = 0;
// get the result
if (!status) {
return status;
void host::ae_callback(Result result) {
OSErr err;
// again, boilerplate apple code
// grab information from result
if (!err)
void host::sendToPlugin() {
// calling *any* method in plugin results in failure regardless of what I do
EDIT: This is being run on OSX 10.5.8 and I'm using GCC 4.0 with Xcode. This is not designed to be a cross platform app.
EDIT: To be clear, the plugin works up until the Apple-supplied event loop calls my callback function. When the callback function calls back into host is when things stop working. This is the problem I'm having, everything else up to that point works.