



hello i'm newbie in sql (postgresql)
i have 2 tables as result of 2 differen selects

       all calls                    our customer contacts
   number contact_id      and     contact_id    name
    3213      12                        12     jonh
    3213      34                        16     michael
    3213      43                        65     hewlet
    5432      16                        32     steward
    5432      51
    6543      65
    2322      54
    2322      32

1 number can belong to different contacts... (contacts belong to different customers) i need to select distinct numbers from 1st result table. and names of this contacts from 2nd table..

and how i must unite my 2 selects


+1  A: 

You will not be able to use the distinct keyword, as you actually want to select also the contact_id from the all_calls table. Instead, you will need to use one of the aggregate functions to select a single contact_id for each distinct phone number.

In this example I use the min() function, which will give me the contact with the numerically lowest contact_id for each phone number:

select tmp.number,
from (
  select number, min(contact_id) as min_id
  from all_calls
  group by number
) as tmp
join contacts on tmp.min_id = contacts.contact_id
Jørn Schou-Rode
thanks. but why min() ?. and "our customer contacts" its result of select id from contacts where customer_id = '51'
As I understand your question, you just want *one* name pr. called phone number. If two contacts have been called on the same number, a `min()` or `max()` on the `contact_id` can be used to select just *one* value. Assuming that `contact_id` does not hold any business value, both functions are in practice "random".
Jørn Schou-Rode
Wouldn't you be able to simply append `where customer_id = 51` to the end of the query? Of course, this assumes that no two contacts from *different* companies share the same phone number.
Jørn Schou-Rode