



I've got a table that I'd like to present. However, a lot the information in it is only useful in aggregated or visual form. For example, the country column it itself is boring, but a aggregating all the entries of a country would be really useful. Coordinates are in there as well, so any solution should be able to present stuff on a map.

Note that the solution can be non-web, but I'd really prefer a web application everyone can access. What I've found so far is just the Google Maps API, but that's not very good at showing non-greographical information, is it?

Note that the table has a lot of dimensions, often nominal or ordinal (i.e. no numbers), so visual and plotting-focussed libraries are not that good.

+1  A: 

EDIT: maybe that would help you, in absence of other answers

Today, this article popped into my RSS reader: Patterns of Destruction?: Visualizing Earthquake Data w/Tableau.

The author uses Tableau to visualize his data and mentions also Data Applied and GoodData.

Combine the Google Maps API with something like the Javascript Visualization Toolkit?

There are may libraries out there that might do the trick as well:

Gregory Pakosz
JavaScript InfoVis Toolkit looks great for graphs and similar data. Unfortunately, my data is better expressed in a table (or sometimes bar graphs) since it is high-dimensional. Raphael and axis are similarily great for visual stuff, but not applicable in my case. I extended the question to say that.
In that case, might I recommend the `<table>` tag?
@jcd Exactly what I'm looking for, but I need additional functionaly like sorting, grouping, and a map/graph interface. The table is about 1000x20, so I can't present it in raw form.