Which character do I need to replace to safely 'print' raw HTML code from a database in a textarea, so I can edit this with CKeditor?
Or is there another existing preferred method of getting data into a CKeditor textarea? (e.g. AJAX)
Which character do I need to replace to safely 'print' raw HTML code from a database in a textarea, so I can edit this with CKeditor?
Or is there another existing preferred method of getting data into a CKeditor textarea? (e.g. AJAX)
CKEditor will use the initial contents of the textarea, so all you need to do is escape it as you normally would, e.g.:
<textarea id="editor1"><p>My <strong>bold</strong> text</p></textarea>
See also CKEDITOR.replace.
If you want to set the contents of the textarea after CKEditor is loaded, use the setData API function:
CKEDITOR.instances.editor1.setData('<p>This is the editor data.</p>');
In both cases, CKEditor will load the raw HTML and do whatever preprocessing is necessary to make it work.