Seem like I'm not clearing the image correctly or something. On the other hand the view takes to much to render using the cos function. I appreciate if you can guide me to optmize the code with best practices. Thanks
And I would like to share with you this link:
Render function inside Thumbnail3D
Triangle3D triangle[2];
triangle[0].v1 = Vertex3DMake( (-width * 0.5 ) + x, (-height * 0.5 ) + y, z);
triangle[0].v2 = Vertex3DMake( ( width * 0.5 ) + x, ( height * 0.5 ) + y, z);
triangle[0].v3 = Vertex3DMake( (-width * 0.5 ) + x, ( height * 0.5 ) + y, z);
triangle[1].v1 = Vertex3DMake( (-width * 0.5 ) + x, (-height * 0.5 ) + y, z);
triangle[1].v2 = Vertex3DMake( ( width * 0.5 ) + x, ( height * 0.5 ) + y, z);
triangle[1].v3 = Vertex3DMake( ( width * 0.5 ) + x, (-height * 0.5 ) + y, z);
glColor4f(,,, color.alpha);
glVertexPointer(3, GL_FLOAT, 0, &triangle);
glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLES, 0, 18);
drawView function inside OpenGL View
- (void)drawView:(UIView *)theView
NSInteger elements = 6;
GLfloat angle = DEGREES_TO_RADIANS( 360 / elements );
GLfloat elementWidth = 3.0;
//GLfloat l = ( elements * ( elementWidth + 0.2 ) ) * (elements / 300000);
GLfloat l = elements * ( elementWidth + 0.2 ) ;
GLfloat radius = l / (2 * M_PI);
glClearColor(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
for (int columns = 0; columns < elements; columns++)
for (int rows = 0; rows < 1; rows++)
Thumbnail3D *thumbnail = [ [ Thumbnail3D alloc ] init ];
thumbnail.color = Color3DMake(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
thumbnail.width = 3.0;
thumbnail.height = 2.0;
thumbnail.x = ( ( thumbnail.width + 0.2 ) * columns ) - 3;
//thumbnail.y = ( ( thumbnail.height + 0.2 ) * rows ) - 5;
//thumbnail.x = sin( angle * columns ) / radius;
thumbnail.y = ( cos( angle * columns ) / radius );
thumbnail.z = -18;
NSLog(@"Drawing n%d: { radius: %f }, { angle: %f }, { x: %f }, { y: %f }", columns, radius, angle, sin( angle * columns ) / radius,cos( angle * columns ) / radius);
NSLog(@"Drawing in: { x: %f }, { y: %f }, { z: %f }", thumbnail.x, thumbnail.y, thumbnail.z);
[ thumbnail render ];
[ thumbnail release ];