




EDIT -- Answered below, missed the angled braces. Thanks all.

I have been attempting to write a rudimentary singly linked list, which I can use in other programs. I wish it to be able to work with built-in and user defined types, meaning it must be templated.

Due to this my node must also be templated, as I do not know the information it is going to store. I have written a node class as follows -

template <class T> class Node
    T data; //the object information
    Node* next; //pointer to the next node element

    //Methods omitted for brevity

My linked list class is implemented in a seperate class, and needs to instantiate a node when adding new nodes to the end of the list. I have implemented this as follows -

#include <iostream>
#include "Node.h"
using namespace std;

template <class T> class CustomLinkedList
    Node<T> *head, *tail;


        head = NULL;
        tail = NULL;



    //Method adds info to the end of the list
    void add(T info)
        if(head == NULL) //if our list is currently empty
            head = new Node<T>; //Create new node of type T
            tail = head;
        else //if not empty add to the end and move the tail
            Node* temp = new Node<T>;
            tail = tail->getNext();

    //print method omitted

I have set up a driver/test class as follows -

#include "CustomLinkedList.h"
using namespace std;

int main()
    CustomLinkedList<int> firstList;

    //Pause the program until input is received
    int i;
    cin >> i;

    return 0;

I get an error upon compilation however - error C2955: 'Node' : use of class template requires template argument list - which points me to the following line of code in my add method -

Node* temp = new Node<T>;

I do not understand why this has no information about the type, since it was passed to linked list when created in my driver class. What should I be doing to pass the type information to Node?

Should I create a private node struct instead of a seperate class, and combine the methods of both classes in one file? I'm not certain this would overcome the problem, but I think it might. I would rather have seperate classes if possible though.

Thanks, Andrew.

+2  A: 

Might wanna try

Node<T>* temp = new Node<T>;

Also, to get hints on how to design the list, you can of course look at std::list, although it can be a bit daunting at times.

Yeah at the moment I am looking at some methods for it. Most I don't need though, which is nice since I don't have the experience to implement some methods yet. Thanks for the answer.

That line should read

Node<T>* temp = new Node<T>;

Same for the next pointer in the Node class.

Well spotted, I completely missed the self reference. Thanks.
+1  A: 

As said, the solution is

Node<T>* temp = new Node<T>;

... because Node itself is not a type, Node<T> is.

Kornel Kisielewicz

You need:

Node<T> *temp = new Node<T>;

Might be worth a typedef NodeType = Node<T> in the CustomLinkedList class to prevent this problem from cropping up again.

I skipped the typedefs in my book. I'll go back and look at it thanks for the tip.

And you will need to specify the template parameter for the Node *temp in printlist also.

Thanks. I have changed it now - I think I'll just edit it out of my post as it isn't relevant to the question really, and wastes space.

While the answers have already been provided, I think I'll add my grain of salt.

When designing templates class, it is a good idea not to repeat the template arguments just about everywhere, just in case you wish to (one day) change a particular detail. In general, this is done by using typedefs.

template <class T>
class Node
  // bunch of types
  typedef T value_type;
  typedef T& reference_type;
  typedef T const& const_reference_type;
  typedef T* pointer_type;
  typedef T const* const_pointer_type;

  // From now on, T should never appear
  value_type m_value;
  Node* m_next;

template <class T>
class List
  // private, no need to expose implementation
  typedef Node<T> node_type;

  // From now on, T should never appear
  typedef node_type* node_pointer;

  typedef typename node_type::value_type value_type;
  typedef typename node_type::reference_type reference_type;
  typedef typename node_type::const_reference_type const_reference_type;
  // ...

  void add(value_type info);

  node_pointer m_head, m_tail;

It is also better to define the methods outside of the class declaration, makes it is easier to read the interface.

template <class T>
void List<T>::add(value_type info)
  if(head == NULL) //if our list is currently empty
    head = new node_type;
    tail = head;
  else //if not empty add to the end and move the tail
    Node* temp = new node_type;
    tail = tail->getNext();

Now, a couple of remarks:

  • it would be more user friendly if List<T>::add was returning an iterator to the newly added objects, like insert methods do in the STL (and you could rename it insert too)
  • in the implementation of List<T>::add you assign memory to temp then perform a bunch of operations, if any throws, you have leaked memory
  • the setNextNull call should not be necessary: the constructor of Node should initialize all the data member to meaningfull values, included m_next

So here is a revised version:

template <class T>
Node<T>::Node(value_type info): m_value(info), m_next(NULL) {}

template <class T>
typename List<T>::iterator insert(value_type info)
  if (m_head == NULL)
    m_head = new node_type(info);
    m_tail = m_head;
    return iterator(m_tail);
    m_tail.setNext(new node_type(info));
    node_pointer temp = m_tail;
    m_tail = temp.getNext();
    return iterator(temp);

Note how the simple fact of using a proper constructor improves our exception safety: if ever anything throw during the constructor, new is required not to allocate any memory, thus nothing is leaked and we have not performed any operation yet. Our List<T>::insert method is now resilient.

Final question:

Usual insert methods of single linked lists insert at the beginning, because it's easier:

template <class T>
typename List<T>::iterator insert(value_type info)
  m_head = new node_type(info, m_head); // if this throws, m_head is left unmodified
  return iterator(m_head);

Are you sure you want to go with an insert at the end ? or did you do it this way because of the push_back method on traditional vectors and lists ?

Matthieu M.