I want to build a web application like a wiki and a forum. There will be much more readers than editors. My favourites to implement it are Grails and Wicket.
Grails: I like the integrated environment with which you can start quickly. I think the classic stateless mvc approach is well suited to a content centric website. Disadvantages are the quality (quite buggy in the past) and that complex user interfaces are not so easy to manage (compared to Wicket).
Wicket: Compared to Grails the developer has to do more configuration with Wicket. But I like the clean, pure Java approach of Wicket and the comfortable Swing-like programming. It is really easy to build reusable GUI components (not splitted in a template and a controller). The quality of Wicket is noticeable better than the quality of Grails. But I wonder whether the model with client UI state on the server really fit in a content centric web application. Then again Wicket performance is good and there are tricks like static pages.
What would you use and why?