



I'm trying to simulate keypress to my games that use direct input(I guess).

I googled around and I found out the method SendIput().
It work fine if I try to send keypress to notepad.exe but nothing happend when I tried to games.
I checked this site
so I edited my code a little bit but still I don't get any of keypress event from game.
does anybody can help me about this problem?

I used Python but since I imported ctypes module, c/c++ explanation is okay.


It seems you are looking for a Python answer, but personally I would try using AutoHotkey. Its scripting language is on the ugly side, but rather easy to use. There are forum posts (both on Warhammer forums and AutoHotkey forums) to indicate that other Warhammer players are using AutoHotkey.

John Y
Thanks. What I like to do is learning python.write code relating games looks fun to me so I'd like to find way in python..:)
Jace Jung

What I found is this link
actually works. last time I failed to use because of anti-hacking system attached to online game.
I think I have to deal with some low level keypress.
I'm not sure I can do that in Python..

Jace Jung