
how to override Ctrl+V in TinyMCE

I need to cleanup the HTML of pasted text into TinyMCE by passing it to a webservice and then getting it back into the textarea. So I need to override the Ctrl+V in TinyMCE to caputre the text, do a background request, and on return continue with whatever the paste handler was for TinyMCE. First off, where is TinyMCE's Ctrl+V handler, an...

Trigger a keypress with jQuery...and specify which key was pressed

I would like to have an input element (type=text) or textarea element that validates dynamically by triggering specific keystrokes. This will be used for Chinese pinyin input, so for example: The user types "ma2" into an input element. The keydown event triggers for every keystroke, and the 2 never appears. Instead, when the user pre...

Using KeyDown event in the parent window of a Delphi Mdi Application

How do I get the KeyDown event to work in a Delphi (2007) MDI Applications Parent window, even if a Child window has focus? I would like to implement a shortcut key (F1) that brings up a help screen in a MDI application, I have added the KeyDown procedure to the MDI Parent window and enabled KeyPreview in both the Parent and Child wind...

capturing global keypresses in Java

So I want to trigger an event (pausing/unpausing some media) whenever the user presses spacebar anywhere in the my Swing app. Since there are so many controls and panels that could have focus, its not really possible to add keyevents to them all(not to mention gross). So I found KeyboardFocusManager.getCurrentKeyboardFocusManager()....

Call a specific button onClick event when the enter key is pressed C#

Hey, I'm trying to get a specific asp:button onclick event to fire when I press the enter key in a specific asp:textbox control. The other factor to be taken into account is that the button is within a asp:Login control template. I've no idea how to do this, suggestions on a postcard please. ...

Python: How do I generate a keypress?

I am opening a process (with os.popen() ) that, for some commands, detects certain keypresses (e.g. ESC - not the character, the key). Is there a way to send keypress events to the process? ...

jQuery Event Keypress: Which key was pressed?

With jQuery, how do I find out which key was pressed when I bind to the keypress event? $('#searchbox input').bind('keypress', function(e) {}); I want to trigger an submit when ENTER is pressed. [Update] Even though I found the (or better: one) answer myself, there seems to be some room for variation ;) Is there a difference betwee...

Keycodes for arrow keys

Can anyone please help me to get the keycodes for the arrow keys in c# .net keypress events? Can you help me to get out of this check point? best regards, Arun. ...

JavaScript detection of keypress context (form history selection vs. form submit)

I'm writing a semi-generic form plugin using jQuery in order to speed up the development of the project I'm working on. The plan is that a jTemplates template contains the fields, my plugin looks through the template to find any required multi-lingual resources, requests them from the server, and then packages everything up into a JavaS...

Why does contentEditable element reject the Enter key?

Hi, I'm using an application that embeds IE control to show content. I change that content to contain a <div contentEditable="True">Hello World</div> element. This works well and I can edit the content of this div, but pressing Enter is rejected with a beep. When I add a textarea element to that page the Enter key works and I can add l...

Acting only on text input in a KeyPress Event

I have a key press event, and I want the combobox to handle the keypress if the input is not textual. I.E. If it is the up or down key, let the combobox handle it like it normally would, but if it's punctuation, or alphanumeric I want to act on it. I thought Char.IsControl(e.KeyChar)) would do the trick, but it doesn't catch the arrow k...

Simulate a key held down in Java

I'm looking to simulate the action of holding a keyboard key down for a short period of time in Java. I would expect the following code to hold down the A key for 5 seconds, but it only presses it once (produces a single 'a', when testing in Notepad). Any idea if I need to use something else, or if I'm just using the awt.Robot class wron...

Search datagridview on user keypress

Hi, I'm trying to select the first row where the cell value starts with the same keychar the user pressed. That's the part that is giving me trouble. Here's how I'm handling the event (updated with working solution): private void dataGridView1_KeyPress(object sender, KeyPressEventArgs e) { if (Char.IsLetter(e.KeyChar)) { ...

Simulate Mouse move/click/keyPress in an application that is not active

Hello guys, I know how to simulate mouse and keyboard events, but they act as if the user did them, so they will affect the window that is active. What I need is to simulate one of those inputs, but in a Window that is not active. I'm not saying that it is minimized, imagine for example, you have msPaint, and notepad. Notepad is in fr...

Simulate Mouse move/click/keyPress in an application that is not active

Hello guys, I know how to simulate mouse and keyboard events, but they act as if the user did them, so they will affect the window that is active. What I need is to simulate one of those inputs, but in a Window that is not active. I'm not saying that it is minimized, imagine for example, you have msPaint, and notepad. Notepad is in fr...

I can't understand how to use SendMessage or PostMessage calls :(

Hi guys, I need to simulate a keypress in a third party application. Let's say I have a C# application that needs to send an "8" to the Calculator application. I can't use the SendKeys of .Net or the keybd_event of win32 api because they both require the window to be the top active one, which is not case in my situation. So that leaves...

Windows program to report keypresses

Problem: I am using Windows as a guest operating system in a Virtual Machine and a funky keyboard setup. I need a way to be able to troubleshoot cases when keyboard hotkey combinations are not functioning properly. Question: Does anyone know of a program that quickly and easily displays on the screen what keypress windows thinks it got ...

How to Get the Active ChildWindow of an application?

Hi guys, I have this problem. I have an handler to the mainWindow of a certain application, and I want to simulate a keypress on that application... I'm using sendMessage/postMessage api calls to do this. The reason why I don't use the .Net SendKeys function or the keybd_event of the win32 api, is that they simulate the keypress at a gl...

Definitive way to trigger keypress events with jQuery

I've read all the answers on to this questions and none of the solutions seem to work. Also, I am getting the vibe that triggering keypress with special characters does not work at all. Can someone verify who has done this? edit: the solution does not work. Try it in firebug on stackoverflow: e = jQuery.Event("keydown"); e.which = ...

How to get the active ChildWindow of an application that is not focused?

Hello, I need to get the Handler to the child Window of a certain application that is running. I have the main window handler, but I need to know which specific child window is active, in order to use the SendMessage/PostMessage. I finally managed to do this using the following code, using firefox: [DllImport("user32.dll")] st...