
JavaScript detection of keypress context (form history selection vs. form submit)

I'm writing a semi-generic form plugin using jQuery in order to speed up the development of the project I'm working on. The plan is that a jTemplates template contains the fields, my plugin looks through the template to find any required multi-lingual resources, requests them from the server, and then packages everything up into a JavaS...

Nhibernate and History Tables

Hi, I am working on a ASP.NET MVC website using Nhibernate as my ORM. The project is similar to a wiki/blog engine and requires that as pages are edited they store a history of the edits in another table which can then be viewed and recovered. This is complicated somewhat in that each "page" can have collections associated with it that ...

bash - first argument of the previous command

Hi I know that ESC DOT gives you the last argument of the last command. But I'm interested in first argument of the last command. Is there a key binding to do so? On the same lines, is there a generic way of getting nth argument from last command. (I know that in a bash script you can use $0, $1 etc., but these don't work on commandli...