
How do I get the active ChildWindow of an application?

Hi, I want to send a pressKey event to a certain application which is not the active application IN Windows so I have to use the sendMessage/postMessage api calls. However, I need to know the exact child window that is active IN the application and send the pressKey message to it... I was using GetTopWindow and GetWindow(GW_CHILD) ap...

How do I detect keypresses, VB08?

How do I make VB constantly check for keypresses? Keypresses ARE detected when debugging step-by-step, but that's it :( Here's my keypress code so far: Private Sub Form_Main_KeyPress(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyPressEventArgs) Handles MyBase.KeyPress 'Keypress Q, A, or Z if the picture is seen...

[C++] Simulate holding down a key

Im using: keybd_event(0x41, 0, 0, 0); 0x41 is a 'a'. But that just prints one 'a' to the screen. I need it to hold down the key. And when i call keybd_event(0x41, 0, KEYEVENTF_KEYUP, 0); it must release the key. Is that possible? ...

BlackBerry LongClickListener implementation

I need to implement OnLongClickListener for BlackBerry platform. It may be used for user input (ex phone keyboard implementation) or other functionality (navigation, rewind control, zoom control, etc). There are requirements: target control to listen - custom ButtonField it should be version compiliant with 4.5 and 4.6, so no touchEv...

Daemon in C# to listen for keypress

I'm looking to create a small C# application that will either run as a daemon or sit in the taskbar, and wait for a specific keypress. When the expected keypress is encountered, I'll perform some actions. This is going to be used primarily for quick-posting of data to a web-service I'm writing. I've looked around the net for a while, ...

Action the keypress method after the key is typed

I'm actioning a method on a text box's KeyPress event, but the method is being run before the key is actually typed into the box. If I use KeyUp, I get the behaviour I'm looking for, except KeyUp triggers on soft keys as well as standard characters, which isn't particularly useful for me. Can I get KeyPress to run after the key is type...

KeyDown/KeyPress and Indexing

Hi everyone. Compelete noob working on my first app in C#. Here is what I am trying to do.... A user is going to enter an "ID" into a text box, all numbers. I have been trying to figure out how to trap a leading zero in the ID, for instance: 5031 is accepteble for ID 0827 not what we want Basically, zero cannot be the leading number i...

Capturing "Delete" Keypress with jQuery

Hello, When using the example code from the jQuery documentation for the keypress event handler, I'm unable to capture the "Delete" key. The snippet below is going to log "0" when the Delete key is pressed in FireFox: $(document).keypress(function(e) { console.log(e.which); }); Seems there's gotta be a way to capture the delete ...

jQuery: how to capture keypress key using live()

I need to capture a tab keypress event on some dynamic inputs, but the normal syntax using the keypress event doesn't seem to be catching the key code. $('input').live('keypress', function (e) { if ( e.which == 9 ) alert( 'Tab pressed' ); }); This seems to be catching 0 as the keypress when I go through the debugger in fireb...

How can I get rid of character repeat delay in C#? - There's an option in Windows for setting repeat delay. It means the delay between first keystroke and the other ones if one keeps pressing the key. I'm creating a sort of game and I need to get rid of this "feature". So far I've managed to find this metho...

How to move the textbox caret to the right.

I would like to change all the characters entered into a textbox to upper case. The code will add the character, but how do I move the caret to the right? private void textBox3_KeyPress(object sender, KeyPressEventArgs e) { textBox3.Text += e.KeyChar.ToString().ToUpper(); e.Handled = true; } ...

How to trap double key press in javascript?

I would like to be able to trap the double key press (for the Char T for example) in order to do some special processing.I would like the key presses to happen fast enough to not be interpreted as two separate presses, just like the double click. Any ideas how i can achieve this? ...

Javascript : Enter Key Press

Hi All, Good Morning... I am using java script in each page to trigger the Enter key press Event inside the textbox. It is working fine. Now i want to place the code in the .js file for global access. function EnterKeyPress(id,e) { // look for window.event in case event isn't passed in if (window.event) { e = window.ev...

Macro to enter a find button

I enter a number in the find and select box in excel. On pressing Find All the cell containing the number i want is selected. A macro then selects the next worksheet and colour fills in a row of data and selects cell A1. I press Find all and the number cell is highlighted on this worksheet. A macro then selects the row containg the numb...

How can I prevent users from using the backspace or delete keys in a textbox using JavaScript?

How can I prevent users from using the backspace or delete keys in a textbox using JavaScript? I have a text box in my web form. I want to use JavaScript on keypress of the textbox to disable the delete and backspace keys. Can anyone help? ...

Simulate keypress in a Linux C console application

Is there any way to simulate a keypress in Linux using C? In my specific situation, I'm on Ubuntu 9.04 and need a simple app that invokes a press on the "pause" button when launched. That would get an iframe in Firefox to refresh using Javascript. ...

Console get key press w/o windows messages c++

Is there any way to get the last key press in a console without using Windows messages or the std::cin stream? I've heard that there is a function in the standard library. Solutions should preferably be as portable as possible. Thanks for your help in advance. ...

Capturing distinct keypresses

Hi! When you hold down a key, the JQuery events start to pop out like crazy for this single key press: ... keydown keypress keyup keydown keypress keyup ... Is there any (even non-browser-portable) way to capture only one event for each key pressed (example: press A and hold it down, and this should yield only one function call)? Ch...

Get textbox value on keydown + Multilingual support

Hi, I want get the value of the text including the character on the keydown event. $(".searchfield").keydown(function(e) { if (e.which >= 32 || e.which < 127) { var c = String.fromCharCode(e.which); callSearch($(this).val() + c)); } }); It works good for characters, numbers and all the essential characters. 32-127 AS...

Stop keypress event

How to stop keypress event in keydown. I have a keydown handler in that i need to stop keypress event. Actually i have a form and textbox in it. whn user press "enter" key, keydown i trigger the event and having the handler. form submit will triggered in keypress, so i need to stop the keypress event in my keydown handler. ...