How should I base64 encode a PDF file for transport over XML-RPC in Python?
Looks like you might be able to use the binascii module
Convert binary data to a line of ASCII characters in base64 coding. The return value is the converted line, including a newline char. The length of data should be at most 57 to adhere to the base64 standard.
Sam Corder
2008-10-16 15:13:02
NOTE: this is a community-wiki owned copy of Pat Notz's answer. This answer can be selected as the chosen answer. Edit freely to improve.
Pat Notz says:
Actually, after some more digging, it looks like the xmlrpclib
module may have the piece I need with its Binary
helper class:
binary_obj = xmlrpclib.Binary( open('foo.pdf').read() )
Here's an example from the Trac XML-RPC documentation
import xmlrpclib
server = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy("http://athomas:password@localhost:8080/trunk/login/xmlrpc")'WikiStart/', xmlrpclib.Binary(open('').read()))
2008-10-16 16:38:08
Nice, thank you ΤΖΩΤΖΙΟΥ. Improvements welcome.
Pat Notz
2008-10-16 17:01:41
Um. Somebody downvoted this answer. I don't mind rep-wise, it's a community-owned answer; and EXACTLY because it's a community-owned answer, either edit it directly to improve it, or if you don't have enough rep, comment what's wrong so sb else corrects it. Sheesh.
2008-10-17 10:29:07
If you don't want to use the xmlrpclib's Binary class, you can just use the .encode() method of strings:
a = open("pdf_reference.pdf", "rb").read().encode("base64")
Tony Meyer
2008-10-16 22:33:24