



Hello, I am trying to perform a low-level file copy but also display my progress using a determinate progress bar. Is there any way I can do this? I have looked on many mail archives, and one blog post explaining on how to do it in carbon which didn't work for me.

+1  A: 

There's a nice article about this on the Cocoa Is My Girlfriend blog titled "Cocoa Tutorial: File Copy With Progress Indicator". It's pretty straightforward, as the article says, but not obvious or well-documented.

Joshua Nozzi
Alex Zielenski: If that article was the blog post you mentioned in your question, you may want to ask another question with the specific problem you had.
Peter Hosey
The problem was that the callback was never getting called even though I had the ScheduleRunLoop method or whatever it is.
Alex Zielenski