




Does a website exist that would allow you to post source code for public review? I haven't been able to find one - at least one that has any significant amount of traffic.

I'm starting some work on a very small open source project. I'd like to be able to get eyes on my code, but the best option I have now is to post code on the forum's website, cross my fingers, and wait.

+4  A: 

I'd also give it a try at http://refactormycode.com/

Kornel Kisielewicz
+3  A: 

maybe ReviewBoard can help you.

Um, how much traffic will code posted there get?
Kornel Kisielewicz
That looks more like a tool for corporate or small-team use, not a public code review site.
Wim Hollebrandse
Sorry, I though it has that functionality. I use it with a small team (3 people) all the time.
+7  A: 

Here you have a good one


Claudio Redi
Looks like the best option right now. It seems to be more tailored to improving small snippets of code as opposed to full code reviews, but it may do the trick. It's slow as snot too, but it works. Thanks!