




Is there a way / tool to simulate Amazon's SimpleDB for the purpose of development?

In my quest for above, I found this tool but this is for the Mac OS. Anything that can be installed on Win XP? Needless to say, all SimpleDB APIs need to be supported.

Just in case it matters, mine is a .Net based web application.

+1  A: 

The C# library ( includes a mock library that sounds like it might do the trick for you. I have not used the mock functionality, but I believe that it uses an XML file as a backing store to hold the simulated domains.

One thing to keep in mind is that a few months ago, Amazon released the AWS SDK for .Net ( I'm still using the C# library and have not gotten around to looking into the AWS SDK, so I'm not sure if the mock functionality is included or not. Based on this thread, it sounds like the AWS SDK is a rollup of all the various service SDKs (including the SimpleDB C# library), so it may well contain the mock stuff.

+1  A: 

SimpleDB/dev runs on Windows, Linux and Mac. The page that you found has copied the information across incorrectly. The Google Code project page for the tool is here

Andrew Fogg
Andrew ... thanks for sharing this. This looks like fitting my bill.

Have you considered simply running multiple SimpleDB accounts for dev, test, and production? SimpleDB has a pretty generous free-usage tier so this doesn't cost anything unless you create a very large dev database.

I've had pretty good results using this approach plus mocking my SimpleDB interactions for unit testing.

Ashley Tate
Ashley, that is what I already do now. However I'd still want something local because rest of my development environment is local and I cannot afford to be stranded in the absence of Internet connection. Further, local availability of the software helps measure application performance without network latency.