Hi All,
I am trying to mark the ASP session ID cookie as HttpOnly but can't seem to find a way to tell if it is working. The environment I am trying this in is as follows: OS: Windows Server 2003 IIS: 6 ASP Version: ASP 3 (Classic ASP)
In order to mark the cookie as http only, I followed MS KB
As per our architect's suggestion, to test whether this works, a javascript document.cookie should not be able to read the ASPSESSIONID* cookie. My issue is that javascript:alert(document.cookie) still echoes the ASPSESSIONID* cookie, albeit it appears to be encrypted(?)
I also tried to do this via Response.AddHeader "Set-Cookie" but can't determine what value to give for this header to mark all the cookies OR AT LEAST the ASP Session ID cookie as HttpOnly. Help!!!