I have a problem dealing with Generics.
Some background:
The Animal class is a generified class that needs to be associated with a particular person
Dog is an animal that can only be associated with the class Doctor (a subclass of Person)
Cat is an animal that can only be associated with the class Painter (a subclass of Person)
I need a method (named SomeMethod) that will take in new lists of animals
SomeMethod will primarily deal with the Owner property from the Animal class
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace Test
class Program
static void Main()
SomeMethod(new List<Animal<Person>>(), new List<Dog>());
public static void SomeMethod<T>(IList<Animal<T>> a, IList<Animal<T>> b)
where T : Person
//do something
class Animal<T>
where T : Person
public T Owner { get; set; }
class Dog : Animal<Doctor>
class Cat : Animal<Painter>
class Person
class Doctor : Person
class Painter : Person
This code will not compile as SomeMethod() would not accept the 2 different lists as arguments. I will use the method to compare the "Owner" properties of each Animal. Would anybody have an idea?