
You can use some sort of map/reduce implemented by hand. Also take a look at swarmiji framework.

"A distributed computing system that helps writing and running Clojure code in parallel - across cores and processors"

swarmiji if a library for distributed computing in Clojure. I got the impression this quiestion was focusing more on single-system-parallel-exacution.
Arthur Ulfeldt
+7  A: 

This question: how-to-efficiently-apply-a-medium-weight-function-in-parallel also addresses this problem in a very similar context.

The current best answer is to use partition to break it into chunks. then pmap a map function onto each chunk. then recombine the results. map-reduce-style.

Arthur Ulfeldt
Would I really want to use `pmap` on each chunk? I think that will still create a future per seq item. It would make more sense to me to just `map` a `future` onto each chuck.
Alex Stoddard
the idea is to increase the chunk size so that it beats the coordination overhead while still filling all the cores. Not all data sets have a sweet spot like this.
Arthur Ulfeldt
Ah-ha. I needed to think at a level of one additional abstraction. I `pmap` a function over the chunks and that function will `map` my processing function over each member of the chunk. Is that what you mean?
Alex Stoddard
That is the map-reduce style of processing. Split your input to chunks, fire jobs in parallel on each chunk and then join the results. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MapReduce . The only question is the size and the number of chunks.
@Alex Stoddard, thats it. Im fighting back the urge to say that all problems can be solved by one more level of abstraction.
Arthur Ulfeldt
One has to be careful not to (silently!) skip some of the inputs with `partition` due to the fact that it never produces chunks smaller then specified. E.g. `(partition 5 [1 2])` evaluates to en empty lazy seq! `clojure.contrib.seq-utils/partition-all` (soon to be `clojure.contrib.seq/partition-all`) puts together a short final chunk instead (`((1 2))` with arguments as above).
Michał Marczyk
(partition 5 5 '() [1 2]) will leave the small-sized chunk on the end and not drop anything.
Arthur Ulfeldt
+4  A: 

Sadly not a valid answer yet, but something to watch for in the future is Rich's work with the fork/join library coming in Java 7. If you look at his Par branch on github he's done some work with it, and last I had seen the early returns were amazing.

Example of Rich trying it out.


Actually I have discovered this can be tried now with Java6, the Clojure "par" branch from github and the jsr166y.jar file that Rich Hickey made available at: http://cloud.github.com/downloads/richhickey/clojure/jsr166y.jar
Alex Stoddard
Ohhh really? May have to give that a look, as Par looks amazing. Thanks for the tip, as I missed this.

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