



Hi All,

I'm wondering about that, i have seen into many sites describing that Core Image filters on Iphone doesn't support by Apple. But i have seen Core image filter in Core Animation example page on the Apple developer site. just look at here Iphone OS Refference Library, you will see that example on this page

CIFilter *filter = [CIFilter filterWithName:@"CIBloom"];
[filter setDefaults];
[filter setValue:[NSNumber numberWithFloat:5.0] forKey:@"inputRadius"];

Any description for that would be appreciated.

Thank you

+1  A: 

You're quoting the Core Animation Programming Guide which was originally written for Mac OS X and has since been updated to include iPhone OS. Not all code samples will work on both OS's. You'll find this to be true in many of Apple's programming guides.

Take a look at the revision history.

Cory Kilger
+1  A: 

Core Image is not available on the iPhone. From the CATransition Class Reference, when talking about the filter property:

While the CATransition class exposes this property, Core Image is not available in iPhone OS. Currently the filters available for this property are undefined.

Also, in the CALayer Class Reference, when talking about the filters property:

While the CALayer class exposes this property, Core Image is not available in iPhone OS. Currently the filters available for this property are undefined.

As Cory points out, this guide was written for the Mac and modified to apply to the iPhone. Unfortunately, they left in an example that only works on the Mac.

See also the questions:

Brad Larson
Brad, thank you for your answer. Actually I'm looking good tutorials or books about the Iphone Core Animation, I would like to learn more detail and also more examples. Usually, many Core Animation books are describing Iphone core animation subject only last chapters.I think apple documentation insufficient about this topic.Do you have any suggestions ?
Brad Larson