This is an odd one I'm puzzled about. I recently noticed at the Gnu Octave prompt, it's possible to enter in negative zeroes, like so:
octave:2> abomination = -0
And it remembers it, too:
octave:3> abomination
abomination = -0
In the interest of sanity, negative zero does equal regular zero. But I also noticed that the sign has some other effects. Like these:
octave:6> 4 * 0
ans = 0
octave:7> 4 * -0
ans = -0
octave:8> 4 / 0
warning: division by zero
ans = Inf
octave:9> 4 / -0
warning: division by zero
ans = -Inf
As one can see, the sign is preserved through certain operations. But my question is why. This seems like a radical departure from standard mathematics, where zero is essentially without sign. Are there some attractive mathematical properties for having this? Does this matter in certain fields of mathematics?
FYI: Matlab, which octave is modeled after, does not have negative zeros. Any attempts to use them are treated as regular zeros.
EDIT: Matlab does have negative zeros, but they are not displayed in the default output.