



I'm looking for a simple HTML2RTF converter that I can use on my website which is using a *nix like Operating System. I haven't found anything on the internet, and was hoping the SO community would help me.

PS: I don't want to implement this from scratch, and it doesn't really matter what language it's in, as long as I can run it on a *nix like system. If you guys have already some personalized implementation, the language preferred would be PHP.


If OpenOffice on the command line is an option, check out this Forum entry with a great number of starting points. There are certainly stand-alone tools as well, but OpenOffice has quite good rendering capabilities and I'm quite sure it will successfully convert a lot that other converters won't (bulleted / numbered lists, for example).


Zopyx.convert is based on the high-quality BeautifulSoup html parser. It needs Java & Jython.

If the Java dependency is too much, you should be able to use BeautifulSoup to iterate over the HTMl and build up the output using the PyRTF RTF generator. Not a five-minute task!

Charles Stewart

Did you try this one already? I haven't tried it, just found it.

Marc Bernstein

You might consider combining gnuhtml2latex and latex2rtf

Arnout Engelen

There's a lot of for-pay solutions that are in PHP (which I'm assuming is not what you're looking for), but I did notice this out on Google code that looks like something you could at least get started with. Good luck!

Mark B.
+1  A: 

Easiest way would be to use the following PERL module.

Quick and about 10 lines of code :)

Darren westall