I have always wanted to make a small easy to use CMS system just for personal use and training.
First thing im going to do is create the data model. So what do I need to get started?
I would like to dynamically create pages, then I need a Page table. I know many CMS systems reffer to them as nodes, so I'll call it Nodes
I would also like to attach the nodes to one or more menus, so I create a Menus
To make those two work togheter I then need a MenuNodes
table to handle the relationship between those two, and to make sure that one node can exist in one or more menus.
There are a few data models out there, one example is of how Joomla is made:
Joomla Data Model
This one is rather advanced, but how can I use some of the same principles to make a small and easy to use CMS system.
To get the data model correct from the start is essential, so I dont want to do any coding before I get this right. Im confident I can make a good enough data model, but I want to use the best practices.
Does anyone have any ideas or references to good CMS data models that can help me get started?