I just started learning how to use OpenMP. I am trying to figure out why the following code does not run in parallel with Visual Studio 2008. It compiles and runs fine. However it uses only one core on my quad core machine. This is part of the code that I am trying to port to a MATLAB mex function. Any pointer is appreciated.
#pragma omp parallel for default(shared) private(dz, t, v, ts_count) reduction(+: sum_v)
for(t = 0; t<T; t++)
dz = aRNG->randn();
v += mrdt* (tv - v) +
vv_v_sqrt_dt * dz +
vv_vv_v_dt*(dz*dz - 1.);
sum_v += v;
if(t == ts_count-1)
int_v->at_w(k++) = sum_v/(double)(t+1);
ts_count += ts;