



Below is a simplified version of a query that I have already created. The query works fine, but I cannot figure out how to get the XML declaration at the top of the generated XML. I've tried multiple things and searched far and wide on the Google, but alas I cannot seem to find out how to do this ... or even if it is possible.

    'Dimension' "@type",
                    'X102' "TransactionType",
                    convert(varchar, getdate(), 104) "Transfer/TransferDate",
                    convert(varchar, getdate(), 108) "Transfer/TransferTime"
                for xml path (''), type
            ) "TransactionInformation"
        for xml path (''), type
for xml path ('DimensionImport'), type

Gives me...

<DimensionImport type="Dimension">

I'm wanting...

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
<DimensionImport type="Dimension">

Thank you in advance for any help you might be able to lend.

+1  A: 

It's messy, but you could just concatenate it on the front...

SELECT '<? xml...>' + 
    'Dimension' "@type",
                    'X102' "TransactionType",
                    convert(varchar, getdate(), 104) "Transfer/TransferDate",
                    convert(varchar, getdate(), 108) "Transfer/TransferTime"
                for xml path (''), type
            ) "TransactionInformation"
        for xml path (''), type
for xml path ('DimensionImport'), type)
Rob Farley
Alas, that did not work.Error returned:The data types varchar and xml are incompatible in the add operator.
Fred Clown
Yes... if you remove your 'type', and then cast the whole result as xml, that'll help. Like this: `SELECT cast('<? xml...>' + (select 'Dimension' as [@type]....for xml path('DimensionImport')) as xml)
Rob Farley
Hmmm ... it **runs** if I remove the character encoding in the xml declaration, but not if I have it in there. With the character encoding in the declaration I get this error "XML parsing: line 1, character 39, unable to switch the encoding". When I remove the character encoding it **runs**, but I still do not have the xml declaration appended to the xml. It only shows the original xml. Ugh!!
Fred Clown
+1  A: 

try this:

select '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>' + 
       (your whole upper select here)
Mladen Prajdic
Error returned:The data types varchar and xml are incompatible in the add operator.
Fred Clown
+1  A: 

Unfortunately this is what I found in SQL Server Books Online:

The XML declaration PI in an instance is not preserved when the instance is stored in the database. For example:

Copy Code CREATE TABLE T1 (Col1 int primary key, Col2 xml)
INSERT INTO T1 values (1, '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="windows-1252" ?><doc></doc>')

The result is <doc/>.

The only workaround is to return the XML as a varchar(max) type:

select '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>'
cast( (
    'Dimension' "@type",
                    'X102' "TransactionType",
                    convert(varchar, getdate(), 104) "Transfer/TransferDate",
                    convert(varchar, getdate(), 108) "Transfer/TransferTime"
                for xml path (''), type
            ) "TransactionInformation"
        for xml path (''), type
for xml path ('DimensionImport'), type) as varchar(max))
Jose Chama
That is basically what I ended up doing. Thanks.
Fred Clown

Here is what I ended up doing. The data type is not returned as an XML datatype, but I can deal with that I guess.

select '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>' +
        'Dimension' "@type",
                        'X102' "TransactionType",
                        convert(varchar, getdate(), 104) "Transfer/TransferDate",
                        convert(varchar, getdate(), 108) "Transfer/TransferTime"
                    for xml path (''), type
            for xml path ('TransactionInformation'), type
            ... queried up data here ...
    for xml path ('DimensionImport')
Fred Clown