Hi, I am developing an application in cocoa which is not compatible with snow os .Is it possible to show an alert message while user try to launch the application in snow os?
You need to add the key LSMinimumSystemVersion
to your app's Info.plist. As per the documentation:
This string must be of the form n.n.n where n is a number. The first number is the major version number of the system. The second and third numbers are minor revision numbers. For example, to support Mac OS X v10.4 and later, you would set the value of this key to "10.4.0".
Rob Keniger
2010-01-22 12:30:39
I made the same mistake on the questioner's previous question. The app works fine on Leopard, but for some unspecified reason, will/should not work on Snow Leopard.
Peter Hosey
2010-01-22 22:47:55
#ifndef NSAppKitVersionNumber10_5
#define NSAppKitVersionNumber10_5 949
NSAlert *alert = [NSAlert alertWithMessageText:@"Failed OS check"
defaultButton:NSLocalizedString(@"OK", @"")
alternateButton:nil otherButton:nil
@"I am a hard up developer that cannot afford to keep up with my
customers. If only they would buy more of my apps i could afford
maybe a new mac mini with Snow Leopard on it and bring my
App upto date. The problem is that unless i can bring my
app upto date i am not likely to get many customers at all.
If you know how that film with Art Garfunkel ended could
you please let me know."];
[alert runModal];
} else {
// start up app
*(thanks adium)