Trying to write a simple VCL program for educating purposes (dynamicly created forms, controls etc). Have such a sample code:
void __fastcall TForm1::Button1Click(TObject *Sender)
TForm* formQuiz = new TForm(this);
formQuiz->BorderIcons = TBorderIcons() << biSystemMenu >> biMinimize >> biMaximize;
formQuiz->Position = TPosition::poDesktopCenter;
formQuiz->Width = 250;
formQuiz->Height = 250;
formQuiz->Visible = true;
TButton* btnDecToBin = new TButton(formQuiz);
btnDecToBin->Parent = formQuiz;
btnDecToBin->Left = 88;
btnDecToBin->Top = 28;
btnDecToBin->Caption = "Dec to Bin";
btnDecToBin->Visible = true;
I wonder how can i write a function for dynamic created button, so it would be called when the button is clicked. In this example i need a 'btnDecToBin->Click();' func but i don't know where should i place it.
Inside 'void __fastcall TForm1::Button1Click(TObject *Sender){}
' ?
I will appreciate any input, some keywords for google too.