when I try to create a repo inside htdocs folder of my Apache installation (using Zend Server CE) git gives me the error:
$ git init
error: unable to create directory for e:/WORK/Zend/Apache2/htdocs/gittest2/.git/HEAD
It works well outside htdocs/, but i would like to have repos inside this dir in order to work on them at the same time.
I have been using git bash with administrator privilages and AFAIR there's nothing else that could be wrong regarding privilages on Win machines.
Any help will be appreciated!
Win7 x64
git installed from msysGit -> Git-
- as VonC suggested it might be a bug in this release of msysGit
Use TortoiseGit to create a repo in directroy that's causing you problems. Good chance it will be successfull.
Sometimes Git GUI (from msysgit) will successfully create a 'troublesome' repo (worked on my last repo in this folder, not this one though).