




Sorry to bump with a side-question, but although the bug reports indicate them as fixed I still cannot get any of the code to work, crash and all. Have I installed the final release incorrectly or are they still not publicly fixed? :(

I've run into a strange problem. The following simplified code reproduces the problem in MSVC 2010 Beta 2:

template <typename T>
struct dummy
    static T foo(void) { return T(); }

int main(void)
    typedef dummy<bool> dummy_type;
    auto x = [](void){ bool b = dummy_type::foo(); };
    // auto x = [](void){ bool b = dummy<bool>::foo(); }; // works

The typedef I created locally in the function doesn't seem to be visible in the lambda. If I replace the typedef with the actual type, it works as expected.

Here are some other test cases:

// crashes the compiler, credit to Tarydon
int main(void)
    struct dummy {};

    auto x = [](void){ dummy d; };

// works as expected
int main(void)
    typedef int integer;

    auto x = [](void){ integer i = 0; };

I don't have g++ 4.5 available to test it, right now. Is this some strange rule in C++0x, or just a bug in the compiler?

From the results above, I'm leaning towards bug. Though the crash is definitely a bug.

For now, I have filed two bug reports.

All code snippets above should compile. The error has to do with using the scope resolution on locally defined scopes. (Spotted by dvide.)

And the crash bug has to do with... who knows. :)


According to the bug reports, they have both been fixed for the next release of Visual Studio 2010. (Though this doesn't seem to be the case.)

+1  A: 

This is not really an answer to your question, but just exploring the problem further. I was wondering if the compiler has issues dealing with types declared in an enclosing scope, so tried this out:

#include <iostream>

template <typename Func>
void do_test(Func pFunc) {

template <typename T>
void test_trait(void) {
   class Something { public: int foo; };

   do_test ([] (T pX) {
      Something A; A.foo = 12;

int main(void) {
    test_trait<int> ();

Here, I'm just trying to create a local type in the enclosing scope and use it from within the lambda function. Not only does this not compile (with Visual Studio 2010, Beta 2) but it actually crashes the compiler with a C1001 internal error.

lol. Time to file a bug.
Strangely enough, if you make a local typedef to the local type, the crash goes away.
+6  A: 

From n3000, 5.1.2/6,

The lambda-expression’s compound-statement yields the function-body (8.4) of the function call operator, but for purposes of name lookup (3.4), … the compound-statement is considered in the context of the lambda-expression.

Not surprisingly, the local type should be visible.

Ah, i just realized that i was accidentally looking at an older draft.
Georg Fritzsche
I'm accepting this for answering my original "is this allowed" question. :)
+1  A: 

I have filed two bug reports.

We'll see how it goes. :)


Both bugs have been marked as fixed:

We appreciate your feedback. This bug has been seen by us before and we have fixed it in next release. Thank you for using the product.

Ulzii Luvsanbat
Windows C++ Team

So there we go.

It doesn't seem to be related to templates but to whenever the scope resolution operator (::) is needed. A non-static foo method works as expected.
What of your namespace problem? It uses `::` to get the original namespace (the working version.) Perhaps it's whenever a local definition requires `::`?
Yeah that's what I meant. `namespace test = foo; auto x = [](void) { return test::bar(); };`
@dvide: That's ok. :) Use the back-ticks: \`code goes here\` becomes `code goes here`. (Note, you can escape with a backslash.) I'm modifying the second report to match our data.
Thanks got it :)
@dvide: I have modified the "typedef-of-template" bug to the more generic "Lambda scope resolution fails with locally defined scopes.". Nice find.
It looks like neither of these is going to be resolved in the VS2010 RTM. I referenced the crash bug in an e-mail chat I had with one of the VC++ developers, along with several bugs I've reported. She said: "I currently show all of the bugs below are still active in our system. Since we are at the end of the product cycle for VS2010, these issues will be considered for a following release."
James McNellis
@James: Ah, that's too bad. I did notice they were still present in RC, too bad they got pushed so far back. It's surprising since, at least to me, the situation in these bugs should come up quite a bit.
@James @dvide: According to the bug reports, both issues are fixed.
James McNellis
That's great! Good job :)
+2  A: 

Function-local enums cannot be detected by lambdas either.

int main()
    enum E {A, B, C};   
    auto x = [](){ int a = A; }; 
    //auto y = [](){ E a = A; }; // this will crash the compiler

error C3493: 'A' cannot be implicitly captured because no default capture mode has been specified

Following is a workround, problematic-maybe though.

int main()
    enum E {A, B, C};   
    auto x = [=](){ int a = A; };
    // typedef E F; 
    // auto y = [=](){ F a = A; }; // this compiles ok