



I've been working on autoresizing a custom UIView and Apple has very little to say on this. What's more, based on SO feedback, Apple's documentation is actually wrong in some areas. Finally, even though there are six resizing components in Interface Builder and six for setAutoresizingMask: they don't seem to correlate at all. For example, setting the width spring in IB has a different effect from setting the autoresizingMask to UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleWidth when rotating the device.

Are there any good resources for learning about how resizing works on the iPhone?


I understand the basic concepts Apple uses such as contentMode, and I've read through the UIView documentation. I'm looking for something that explains a little more deeply what the IB settings do in terms of what's available in the SDK programmatically.


superview has such parameters as contentMode and autoresizesSubviews, wich all with autoresizingMask of its subviews makes resizing behavior

read attentively file:///Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/Documentation/DocSets/
