




Hi All,

I recently switched from Vista to Windows 7 (with IIS 7.5). But i can't seem to get it fully working. My problem: I run Visual Studio 2008 (sp1) (run as administrator) and i see my WebSite (webforms).

I publish my website, and all seems well, except my layout is wasted.. why? i get a 404 on my CSS and javascript file.

I read an article that you need content server (service?) installed. After some translation i figured that should be "Statische inhoud" (dutch.. translated static content).

I triple checked that the .js and .css files are in te folder i'm pointing to (tried root folder of the website), but all in veighn...

Here is my IIS-component list that is installed (in dutch). Anyone able to figure out why i get 404's? or even beter, how do i fix it?


Well, i finally figured it out :)

Hope some else will be helped by this answer: It was related to the Static File Module.

Microsoft has a solution which did not work for me. http://support.microsoft.com/kb/942052/

It was already configured this way. But i deleted it, added it again, i could access my CSS... but ASPX didn't work anymore. The Fix for that issue: Make the list Sorted, and move your static filehandler to the bottom (or a least after aspx, but probably the best is at the bottem).

Thanxs everyone for the pointers though!
