I'm looking for an in-depth breakdown/explanation of the iphone's view usage. Like, what controllers have what types of views, how they relate (child <> parent), how they can be nested, added and removed, etc.
Preferably something with some pictures would be nice too (I'm a visual learner).
But yeah, in-depth, technical, explanations of the iphone view system when used in IB/Obj-c would be awesome.
Also, feel free to give your breakdown or post to resources and I'll do the research.
Ok, I'll be more specific. Is the View a stack - is it a queue? What does it look like when I call addtosubview?
What happens if the view isn't a full UIView, but say a smaller UI Control - will it be visible?
Say I have a UIView with a UITabView (2 items) and one content view is a UITtableView. What's the parent view? What is the order of the children? Is that all dependent on how I add them to the view? In this case, the UITabBar control takes care of handling the views when I select the button.
When I call insertSubview how do I know what index to position it at?