I assume if you're hooking a DLL that you're hooking the exports of that DLL?
In that case you can perform a simple IAT (and potentially EAT if necessary) hook.
The advantage of IAT/EAT hooks over Detours is that the application and removal of the hooks is 100% safe (as you're not replacing code, you're replacing a pointer, so there is no chance of a race condition), and it's easy to do the hooks on native x64 processes too (which Microsoft's Detours library can't do unless you fork out 10 grand for the Prof edition).
Yes, there are 3rd party detour libraries which have x64 support and take care of most of the race conditions and what-not, but some of them are really expensive, and others are just a pain to work with.
IAT/EAT hooks are quick and easy, and there is sample code for performing them available in the book "Windows via C/C++" (along with a multitude of places on the interwebs).
This is a fairly generic answer I know, but it's hard to go into more detail without more information on what you're trying to do exactly.