Hi all,
I'd like to create a script that will toggle between setting the DNS settings of my wireless card between automatic selection and a particular IP (openDNS).
Can this be done, and if so what should I look in to?
Hi all,
I'd like to create a script that will toggle between setting the DNS settings of my wireless card between automatic selection and a particular IP (openDNS).
Can this be done, and if so what should I look in to?
I personally would look at Powershell to do this. I found a post on how to change your ip settings in a one liner.
Get-WmiObject -class win32_networkadapterconfiguration | where-object -filterscript { $_.IPEnabled -eq ‘True’ -and $_.ServiceName -eq ‘E100B’ } | foreach-object -process { $_.EnableStatic(’′,’′) }