I am developing web-application using Google Maps API and ASP.NET Ajax. Here is my JavaScript-code for PageLoad:
map.openInfoWindowHtml(map.getCenter(),'Hello, <b>world</b>!');
First run is successful. But after execution some ASP.NET Ajax-function we have strange effect: In Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox and Opera everything is good, but in Google Chrome and Safari text with html-tags is invisible. In other words in Google Chrome we have text: “Hello, !”
I want to make the application that would normally in Google Chrome and Safari too. How can I do it?
String "Hello, <b>world</b>, <strong>world</strong>, <span style='font-weight: bold;'>World</span>, <a href='http://ya.ru'>Link</a>."
transform to "Hello, , , , . "
(I examined the DOM). Words really are disappearing.
I observed this strange effect on any Ajax-function with request to server.
Many thanks to Koobz for many leading questions. They helped me a more detailed understanding of the problem.
First of all, full description of actions:
- Load the page. GMap have several markers with dblclick-event in JavaScript. Dblclick event exec marker.openInfoWindowHtml(/My text/). /My text/ is located in JavaScript of my Page.
- I double-click on the marker. I see a infoWindow with a normal formatting
- Exec __doPostBack (starndard ASP.NET PostBack)
- In server side JavaScript is updated with same
- Server return some information with /My text/ to my page
- I doouble-click on the marker. I see a infoWindow with a wrong formatting.
An interesting fact, which puts me in embarrassing:
I try set to “Hello, <b>world</b>, <b>test</b>”
Before Ajax function in all browser I have: “Hello, world, <b>test</b>”
After Ajax function in Google Chrome and Safari: "Hello, ,test"
After Ajax function in Mozilla, Opera and IE: “Hello, world, <b>test</b>”
What Chrome and Safari have features that may cause such behavior? Now I can write separately necessary infoWindow-text for each browser. But I would like to find a normal way to solve my problem.