I have a hierarchical query in Oracle 10 SQL that used to work. However, I removed the materialized view it was based on, and now I can't get it to come out properly, even leaving that view out altogether.
The original query looked like this:
select oh.name, oh.description
, sys_connect_by_path(groupname, ':') "Groups"
, (select count(*)
from ml.lastobsmv
where lastobsmv.hdid = oh.hdid) as obscount
from ml.obshead oh
join ml.hiergrps hg on oh.groupid = hg.groupid
connect by prior hg.groupid = hg.parentid
I presume it still works, but without the lastobsmv view, I can't test it.
If I trim it down to
select oh.name, oh.description
from ml.obshead oh
join ml.hiergrps hg on oh.groupid = hg.groupid
it still works, returning 41K records. However, when I use the connect by clause, it goes out of control, returning millions of records (I usually have to cancel it before getting an accurate count).
select oh.name, oh.description
, sys_connect_by_path(groupname, ':') "Groups"
from ml.obshead oh
join ml.hiergrps hg on oh.groupid = hg.groupid
connect by prior hg.groupid = hg.parentid
Am I missing something really blatant here, or am I misunderstanding the way this is supposed to work? Thanks.
It should return a list of Observation Terms along with the group they're in. For example,
# CYCLE DAYS, number of days in menstrual cycle, 100
100, 50, Gynecology
50, 10, Tx
10, 0, Basic
should produce
# CYCLE DAYS, number of days in menstrual cycle, :Basic:Tx:Gynecology
(eventually along with the number of times this obs term has been used, but I'll worry about that later).