I have 4 tables
Table1 (employee)
id name
1 a
2 b
Table2 (appointment)
id table1id table3id table4id sdate edate typeid
1 1 1 1 1/1/09 NULL 100
2 2 2 1 1/1/09 NULL 101
Table3 (title)
id name
1 worker1
2 worker2
3 Assistant
4 Manager
Table4 (Department names)
id name
1 Logistics
id name
100 w (primary)
101 e (secondary)
102 r (other-primary)
103 t (.....)
104 y (....)
To avoid dups I'm writing query as
Select id, name, title, dept
FROM table1 a
INNER JOIN table2 b ON a.id = b.table1id
INNER JOIN table3 c ON b.table3id = c.id
INNER JOIN table4 d ON d.id = b.table4id
WHERE typeid =
SELECT min(type_id) /* i want primary type appointments */
FROM table2
WHERE sdate < getdate() and (edate > getdate() or edate IS NULL)
AND sdate = (select max(sdate) from table2 where table1id = a.id)
AND typeid in (100, 102)
AND b.sdate < getdate() and (b.edate > getdate() or b.edate IS NULL)
AND b.sdate = (select max(sdate) from table2 where table1id = a.id)
/* last two i have to repeat again to remove dupes */
Is there a way i can reduce using same condition twice and query it specifying only once or any other better way? AND typeid in (100, 102)