



I am new in thread syncronization. I was reading many implementations of conditional variables, like boost::threads and pthread for win32. I just implemented this quite simple monitor with wait/notify/noifyall, and i guess that there are many hidden problems with it, that I would like to discover from more experienced people. Any suggestion?

class ConditionVar

public :
    ConditionVar () : semaphore ( INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) , total_waiters (0)
        semaphore = ::CreateSemaphoreA ( NULL , 0 /* initial count */ , LONG_MAX /* max count */ , NULL );

    ~ConditionVar ()
        ::CloseHandle ( semaphore ) ;       

public :
    template <class P>
    void Wait ( P pred )
        while ( !pred() ) Wait();

public :

    void Wait ( void )
        INTERLOCKED_WRITE_RELEASE(&total_waiters,total_waiters + 1 );
        ::WaitForSingleObject ( semaphore , INFINITE );

    //! it will notify one waiter
    void Notify ( void )
        if ( INTERLOCKED_READ_ACQUIRE(&total_waiters) )
            Wake (1);

    void NotifyAll (void )
        if ( INTERLOCKED_READ_ACQUIRE(&total_waiters) )
            std::cout << "notifying " << total_waiters ;
            Wake ( total_waiters );

protected :
    void Wake ( int count )
        INTERLOCKED_WRITE_RELEASE(&total_waiters,total_waiters - count );
        ::ReleaseSemaphore ( semaphore , count , NULL );

private :
    HANDLE semaphore;
    long    total_waiters;

if your using WinAPI functions, its probably better to use InterlockedIncrement(...) and InterlockedDecrement(...) instead of INTERLOCKED_WRITE_RELEASE(&total_waiters,total_waiters + 1 ); and INTERLOCKED_WRITE_RELEASE(&total_waiters,total_waiters - count ); respectively.

it is only a macro... it means an atomic operation to increase/decrease the variable
Javier Loureiro
But it is needlessly convoluted. If you're tied to the Win32 API anyway, why not use the atomic operations provided there? Other Win32 programmers will be familiar with those already.
+2  A: 

I think bad things will happen if you copy your instance since both copies will use the same sempahore. This isn't necessarily a bad thing, but it might confuse people if the semantics aren't entirely clear.

You can easily fix this with a similar approach to what boost::noncopyable uses (or use boost).

yes! thank you.
Javier Loureiro
+1  A: 

I prefer Boost's implementation of wait(), because it takes an RAII lock object to make sure access to the shared condition state is synchronized. RAII makes it easier to write exception-safe code.

I have annotated the sample code found here:

boost::condition_variable cond;
boost::mutex mut;
bool data_ready;

void process_data();

void wait_for_data_to_process()
    boost::unique_lock<boost::mutex> lock(mut);  // Mutex acquired here (RAII).
    while(!data_ready) // Access to data_ready is sync'ed via mutex 'mut'
        // While we are blocking, the mutex is released so
        // that another thread may acquire it to modify data_ready.

        // Mutex is acquired again upon exiting cond.wait(lock)

    // Mutex is released when lock goes out of scope.
Emile Cormier

(self answer)

i found a big mistake.

CondVars have an external lock... and this hasnt.

Javier Loureiro