




I am in the process of developing a application which displays the dialogues depending on the OS Language(Windows 2008/Vista/Windows7). How I can get the OS language using C++ or Windows APIs. Thanks in advance Santhosh

+3  A: 

There are several functions to do this in Windows, depending on what format you want the information in. Prior to Windows Vista, the language information was encoded into a LCID (Locale Id) which includes language, as well as some information about sorting and formatting.

For Windows Vista and Windows 7, a more flexible system called Locale Names was devised. GetSystemDefaultLocaleName

Use this if you want to work on Win2k and WinXP. GetSystemDefaultLCID

John Knoeller
Hi, I have tried to create application using "GetUserDefaultLocaleName". But i am getting below errors during compilation. error C3861: 'GetUserDefaultLocaleName': identifier not found I have tried including "Windows.h" and "Winnls.h". No improvements in this case also.. Plz help. Thanks in advance.
You must be using recent versions of the windows header files (Visual Studio 2008 or 2010) and you need to `#define WINVER 0x0600` or larger, otherwise the header files won't let you access API's that aren't available before windows Vista.
John Knoeller
Yes.. Its done.. Thanks a lot John.. You made my day:)
Hi,int main(){ LPWSTR lpLocaleName=NULL; cout<<"Calling GetUserDefaultLocaleName";int ret = GetUserDefaultLocaleName(lpLocaleName,LOCALE_NAME_MAX_LENGTH);return 0;}This is the program i wrote, when i run this exe on Windows 2008 application crashes. Can anyone please help!!Thanks in advanceSanthos
+1  A: 

Do you resolve this problem? If answer is No, LPWSTR lpLocalName=NULL is wrong. LPWSTR lpLocalName=NULL ----> WCHAR localName[LOCALE_NAME_MAX_LENGTH] is right. Because No memory allocation is in GetUserDefaultLocalName.

JungHwan Jeong