I have a complex query that I'm trying to reproduce in LINQ to Entities, but I'm not there yet - is it possible?
The t-sql query looks like:
select distinct
join L on L.fk = DP.id
join M on ( M.l_code = L.l_code and M.dp_code = DP.dp_code )
join C on C.c_code = M.c_code
where not exists ( select id from map where map.cid = c.id and map.lid = l.id )
Tables look like:
id (pk)
dp_code (varchar)
id (pk)
fk (fk to DP.ID)
l_code (varchar)
id (pk)
l_code (varchar, matches value in L.l_code)
dp_code (varchar, matches value in DP.dp_code)
c_code (varchar, matches the value in C.c_code)
id (pk)
c_code (varchar)
id (pk)
cid (fk to C.id)
lid (fk to L.id)
My LINQ looks like:
IQueryable foo = from dp in ctx.DP
from l in dl.L
join m in ctx.M on l.l_code equals m.m_code
// Q1: how can I add: AND m.dp_code = dp.dp_code
join c in ctx.C on m.c_code = c.c_code
// this works, but why can't I do it as an AND in the join?
where m.dp_code == dp.dp_code
select new
cid = c.id,
cid = c.id
So, questions:
Q1: Why can't I do two conditions in the join? User error, or limitations in LINQ?
Q2: How can I add the NOT EXISTS to the query? I've looked at this question, but can't see how to implement the NOT EXISTS subquery.