




We always declare a pure virtual function as :

virtual void fun () = 0 ;

i.e. it is always assigned to 0.

What I understand is that this is to initialize the vtable entry for this function to NULL and any other value here results in a compile time error. Please tell me whether this understanding is correct or not.


This deliberately creates an abstract virtual, which makes the class an abstract class.

It forces any programmers who use it to declare a subclass to implement the missing features.

This might be used where a common base class is simply there to implement some common features, but does not have enough implementation to do anything useful itself.

Alex Brown
I think he understands what it does, it sounds like he is asking why is it done this way.
+13  A: 

I'm not sure if there is any meaning behind this, it is just the syntax of the language.

+1  A: 

I would assume that this is just part of the C++ grammar. I don't think there are any restrictions to how the compilers actually implement this for a given specific binary format. You're assumption probably was right for the early day C++ compilers.

+5  A: 

C++ must have a way to distinguish a pure virtual function from a declaration of a normal virtual function. They chose to use the = 0 syntax. They could just have easily done the same by adding a pure keyword. But C++ is pretty loath to add new keywords and prefers to use other mechanisms to introduce features.

-0: when you have nothing substantial to say on your own, use an extensive quote (see Jerry Coffin's answer for +1 ;)
just somebody
+3  A: 

Nothing is "initilaized" or "assigned" zero in this case. = 0 in just a syntactical construct consisting of = and 0 tokens, which has absolutely no relation to either initialization or assignment.

It has no relation to any actual value in "vtable". The C++ language has no notion of "vtable" or anythng like that. Various "vtables" are nothing more than just details of specific implementations.

+34  A: 

The reason =0 is used is that Bjarne Stroustrup didn't think he could get another keyword, such as "pure" past the C++ community at the time the feature was being implemented. This is described in his book, The Design & Evolution of C++, section 13.2.3:

The curious =0 syntax was chosen ... because at the time I saw no chance of getting a new keyword accepted.

He also states explicitly that this need not set the vtable entry to NULL, and that doing so is not the best way of implementing pure virtual functions.

So this is just a syntax with no specific reason selecting 0 as the value? It could have well been some other value or keyword as well
Yep, it's just syntax. I've seen a lot of projects that #define PURE =0 and they'll say virtual void Foo() PURE;
Please God keep me away from those projects :-)
Its a lot less worse than #define BEGIN { #define END } ;-) and I have seen that sometimes.
@Neil +1. :-D Me too.
@Gamecat probably Pascal programmers who couldn't adapt.
+2  A: 

I remember reading that the justification for the funny syntax was that it was easier (in terms of standards-acceptance) than introducing another keyword that would do the same thing.

I believe this was mentioned in The Design and Evolution of C++ by Bjarne Stroustrup.

+1  A: 

The = 0declares a pure virtual function.

What is understand is that this is to initialize the vtable entry for this function to NULL and any other value here results in compile time error

I don't think that's true. It's just special syntax. The vtable is implementation-defined. No one says a vtable entry for a pure member must be actually zeroed upon construction (although most compilers handle vtables similar).

Alexander Gessler
That's actually not true. There's nothing wrong with providing a *definition* for a pure virtual function. The only thing `= 0` does is makes the entire class abstract and prohibits *virtual* calls to pure functions. Non-virtual calls are still perfcectly OK, which is when the definition (if you provided one) is used.

Well, you can also initialize the vtable entry to point to an actual function"

 virtual void fun()

Seems intuitive that the vtable entry can either be defined to point nowhere (0) or to a function. Letting you specify your own value for it would probably result in it pointing to garbage instead of to a function. But that is why "= 0" is allowed and "= 1" is not. I suspect Neil Butterworth is right about why "= 0" is used at all

Even i had similar opinion but since many have quoted standards and Bjarne's comments on the same, we have minimal chances of argument :)
+6  A: 

Section 9.2 of the C++ standard gives the syntax for class members. It includes this production:

    = 0

There is nothing special about the value. "= 0" is just the syntax for saying "this function is pure virtual."

Kristopher Johnson
+1 for referring to the C++ Standard. It's a kind of surprising that one of best possible answer and got only 1 vote so far. Reading the standard should be the very first step in order to solve C++ questions.
@mloskot: maybe because it doesn't answer the OP's question, just restates the situation?
just somebody
@just somebody - It includes the standard citation which states what's the syntax of pure virtual function declaration and that the syntax uses pure-specifier `= 0` What else would you like to know? It would be the same as asking why function body is wrapped with {} The answer would be, because that's what C++ syntax defines.

It makes the function a pure virtual function - one without a default implementation. A class with a pure virtual cannot be instantiated, it must be sub-classed.

+1  A: 

C++ has always shied away from introducing new keywords, since new reserved words break old programs which use these words for identifiers. It's often seen of one of the language's strengths that it respects old code as far as possible.

The =0 syntax might indeed have been chosen since it resembles setting a vtable entry to 0, but this is purely symbolic. (Most compilers assign such vtable entries to a stub which emits an error before aborting the program.) The syntax was mainly chosen because it wasn't used for anything before and it saved introducing a new keyword.

+1 Looks a reasonable answer
+16  A: 

As with most "Why" questions about the design of C++, the first place to look is The Design and Evolution of C++, by Bjarne Stroustrup1:

The curious =0 syntax was chosen over the obvious alternative of introducing a new keyword pure or abstract because at the time I saw no chance of getting a new keyword accepted. Had I suggested pure, Release 2.0 would have shipped without abstract classes. Given a choice between a nicer syntax and abstract classes, I chose abstract classes. Rather than risking delay and incurring the certain fights over pure, I used the tradition C and C++ convention of using 0 to represent "not there." The =0 syntax fits with my view that a function body is the initializer for a function also with the (simplistic, but usually adequate) view of the set of virtual functions being implemented as a vector of function pointers. [ ... ]

1§13.2.3 Syntax

Jerry Coffin
Thanks for this quote Jerry :)