I still haven't got my head around decorators in Python.
I've already started using a lot of closures to do things like customize functions and classes in my coding.
class Node :
def __init__(self,val,children) :
self.val = val
self.children = children
def makeRunner(f) :
def run(node) :
for x in node.children :
return run
def pp(n) : print "%s," % n.val
printTree = makeRunner(pp)
As far as I can see, decorators are just a different syntax for doing something similar.
Instead of
def pp(n) : print "%s," % n.val
printTree = makeRunner(pp)
I would write :
def printTree(n) : print "%s," % n.val
Is this all there is to decorators? Or is there a fundamental difference that I've missed?