Hello, I am a fan of big agile software development methodology and love to develop web pages using Django and RoR. However, it creates a big constrain as there are really very few Django or RoR developers to hire.
For a new web project, we will be hiring developers and even though I would love to see these employees using such tools, sadly it will be either impossible to find related developers or even if we find them(virtually impossible for my country), we will be very dependant on them.
Also time is a big constrain thus considering "finding clever programmers and letting them learn these technologies" is not an option.
Under these conditions, I would like to hear common Java or .Net alternatives and why would you suggest them.
I can think of Spring, Hibernate, Stripes, Struts and Wicket for Java
Also Microsoft ASP.NET MVC looks really promising.
EDIT: I Need to mention that I won't be an active developer for this project but act as a manager.