



I've seen a number of strategies for declaring semi-private methods in Objective-C, but there does not seem to be a way to make a truly private method. I accept that. But, why is this so? Every explanation I've essentially says, "you can't do it, but here's a close approximation."

There are a number of keywords applied to ivars (members) that control their scope, e.g. @private, @public, @protected. Why can't this be done for methods as well? It seems like something the runtime should be able to support. Is there an underlying philosophy I'm missing? Is this deliberate?

EDIT: As a bit of follow-up. It seems that Objective-C is still evolving, and that Apple is pushing things forward and that there is a not insignificant desire within the Objective-C developer community for private methods.

EDIT: One of the assumptions I've noticed is that private messages would have to go through the runtime resulting in a potentially large overhead. Is this absolutely true? There would be no way for a private method to short-circuit this check or skip the runtime?


It's an issue with the runtime environment of Objective-C. While C/C++ compiles down into unreadable machine code, Objective-C still maintains some human-readable attributes like method names as strings. This gives Objective-C the ability to perform reflective features.

EDIT: Being a reflective language without strict private methods makes Objective-C more "pythonic" in that you trust other people that use your code rather than restrict what methods they can call. Using naming conventions like double underscores is meant to hide your code from a casual client coder, but won't stop coders needing to do more serious work.

And if consumers of your lib could reflect your private methods, couldn't they call them too?
Jared Updike
If they know where to look, isn't that how people have been using undocumented libraries on the iPhone? The issue with the iPhone is that you risk not having your app accepted for using any private API.
+13  A: 

The runtime could support it but the cost would be enormous. Every selector that is sent would need to be checked for whether it is private or public for that class, or each class would need to manage two separate dispatch tables. This isn't the same for instance variables because this level of protection is done at compile time.

Also, the runtime would need to verify that the sender of a private message is of the same class as the receiver. You could also bypass private methods; if the class used instanceMethodForSelector:, it could give the returned IMP to any other class for them to invoke the private method directly.

Private methods could not bypass the message dispatch. Consider the following scenario:

  1. A class AllPublic has a public instance method doSomething

  2. Another class HasPrivate has a private instance method also called doSomething

  3. You create an array containing any number of instances of both AllPublic and HasPrivate

  4. You have the following loop:

    for (id anObject in myArray)
        [anObject doSomething];

    If you ran that loop from within AllPublic, the runtime would have to stop you sending doSomething on the HasPrivate instances, however this loop would be usable if it was inside the HasPrivate class.

I agree that there would be a cost involved. Perhaps it's not something you want on a handheld device. Can you support the enormous qualifier otherwise? Would the cost really matter on a desktop system?
Rob Jones
Haven't though at that but you may be right. Objective-C has run-time message dispatch vs. the compile time method call of C++, so you would be talking about a compile time check vs. a run-time check.
Remus Rusanu
It seems really strange that the main reason for not supporting private methods is due to performance. I think Apple simply didn't think private methods were very necessary, whether or not there was a performance hit. Otherwise they should have chosen a different language for their multi-billion dollar company.
Adding private methods wouldn’t just complicate the implementation of the runtime, it would complicate the semantics of the language. Access control is a simple concept in static languages, but it’s a bad match for dynamic dispatch which would come with a lot of conceptual overhead and lead to many, many “why doesn’t this work?” questions.
What would private methods buy you, really? Objective-C is, after all, a C based language. Thus, if someone has code running in your process, they can easily p0wnz your process regardless of how private or obfuscated any API might be.
What Bill said. Obj-C has pointers. There's no way to keep your private methods walled off from other code in the same process.
+1  A: 

Essentially, it has to do with Objective-C's message-passing form of method calls. Any message can be sent to any object, and the object chooses how to respond to the message. Normally it will respond by executing the method named after the message, but it could respond in a number of other ways too. This doesn't make private methods completely impossible — Ruby does it with a similar message-passing system — but it does make them somewhat awkward.

Even Ruby's implementation of private methods is a bit confusing to people because of the strangeness (you can send the object any message you like, except for the ones on this list!). Essentially, Ruby makes it work by forbidding private methods to be called with an explicit receiver. In Objective-C it would require even more work since Objective-C doesn't have that option.

+3  A: 

The answers posted thus far do a good job of answering the question from a philosophical perspective, so I'm going to posit a more pragmatic reason: what would be gained by changing the semantics of the language? It's simple enough to effectively "hide" private methods. By way of example, imagine you have a class declared in a header file, like so:

@interface MyObject : NSObject {}
- (void) doSomething;

If you have a need for "private" methods, you can also put this in the implementation file:

@interface MyObject (Private)
- (void) doSomeHelperThing;

@implementation MyObject

- (void) doSomething
    // Do some stuff
    [self doSomeHelperThing];
    // Do some other stuff;

- (void) doSomeHelperThing
    // Do some helper stuff


Sure, it's not quite the same as C++/Java private methods, but it's effectively close enough, so why alter the semantics of the language, as well as the compiler, runtime, etc., to add a feature that's already emulated in an acceptable way? As noted in other answers, the message-passing semantics -- and their reliance on runtime reflection -- would make handling "private" messages non-trivial.

The problem with this approach is that someone can override private methods (even unknowingly) when they subclass your class. I suppose, essentially you have to choose names that are unlikely to be overridden.
Right dreamlax. This is my general complaint with Categories. They're very powerful, but they have a dark side too.
Rob Jones
If you preface the methods with a _ followed by a 2+ capital letter prefix that you/your company uses, there will be very little chance for collision.
Which feels like a hack on top of a hack to me.
Rob Jones
@Mike: Apple have stated that method names with leading underscores are explicitly reserved for Apple only: The recommended alternative is to prefix with two capital letters and *then* an underscore.
Also, throw in your SSN after the method so other programmers know who wrote it. =D Namespaces, need them!!!
If you are worried about the methods you define being overridden, you have not properly embraced the inherent levels of verbosity that Objective-C encourages...
Kendall Helmstetter Gelner
+24  A: 

The answer is... well... simple. Simplicity and consistency, in fact.

Objective-C is purely dynamic at the moment of method dispatch. In particular, every method dispatch goes through the exact same dynamic method resolution point as every other method dispatch. At runtime, every method implementation has the exact same exposure and all of the APIs provided by the Objective-C runtime that work with methods and selectors work equally the same across all methods.

As many have answered (both here and in other questions), compile-time private methods are supported; if a class doesn't declare a method in its publicly available interface, then that method might as well not exist as far as your code is concerned. In other words, you can achieve all of the various combinations of visibility desired at compilation time by organizing your project appropriately.

There is little benefit to duplicating the same functionality into the runtime. It would add a tremendous amount of complexity and overhead. And even with all of that complexity, it still wouldn't prevent all but the most casual developer from executing your supposedly "private" methods.

EDIT: One of the assumptions I've noticed is that private messages would have to go through the runtime resulting in a potentially large overhead. Is this absolutely true? There would be no way for a private method to short-circuit this check or skip the runtime?

To do so, though, would undermine the pure dynamic nature of the language. No longer would every method dispatch go through an identical dispatch mechanism. Instead, you would be left in a situation where most methods behave one way and a small handful are just different.

This extends beyond the runtime as there are many mechanisms in Cocoa built on top of the consistent dynamism of Objective-C. For example, both Key Value Coding and Key Value Observation would either have to be very heavily modified to support private methods — most likely by creating an exploitable loophole — or private methods would be incompatible.

+1 Objective-C is (in some ways) a "big-boy" language in which programmers are expected to exhibit a certain amount of discipline, rather than getting slapped on the hand by the compiler/runtime at every turn. I find it refreshing. For me, restricting method visibility during compilation/linking is sufficient and preferable.
Quinn Taylor
That's exactly what I mean by Obj-C being "pythonic". Private methods are for when you don't trust your code being used properly by the client coder.
More python being "obj-c-ic" :). Guido was quite proactive in maintaining Python on NeXT systems, including creating the 1st version of PyObjC. Thus, ObjC did influence python *somewhat*.
+1 for the interesting historic tale of the benevolent dictator for life and his crossings with the mythical NeXT system.
Thank you. Python, Java and Objective-C all have runtime object models that are pretty darned similar [to SmallTalk]. Java was quite directly derived from Objective-C. Python ran a parallel course more than one of inspiration, but Guido certainly studied NeXTSTEP closely.

There are two answers depending on the interpretation of the question.

The first is by hiding the method implementation from the interface. This is used, typically with a category with no name (e.g. ‘@interface Foo()‘). This permits the object to send those messages but not others - though one might still override accidentally (or otherwise).

The second answer, on the assumption that this is about performance and inlining, is made possible but as a local C funtion instead. If you wanted a ‘private foo(NSString *arg)‘ method, you would do ‘void MyClass_foo(MyClass *self, NSString *arg)‘ and calll it as a C function like ‘MyClass_foo(self,arg)‘. The syntax is different, but it acts with the sane kind of performance characteristics of C++'s private methods.

Although this answers the question, I should point out that the no-name category is by far the more common Objective-C way of doing this.

+2  A: 

Yes, it can be done without affecting the runtime by utilizing a technique already employed by the compiler(s) for handling C++: name-mangling.

It hasn't been done because it hasn't been established that it would solve some considerable difficulty in the coding problem space that other techniques (e.g., prefixing or underscoring) are able to circumvent sufficiently. IOW, you need more pain to overcome ingrained habits.

You could contribute patches to clang or gcc that add private methods to the syntax and generated mangled names that it alone recognized during compilation (and promptly forgot). Then others in the Objective-C community would be able to determine whether it was actually worthwhile or not. It's likely to be faster that way than trying to convince the developers.

Yes, it would be more involved if you wanted to provide support for private methods across the toolchain. The compiler's symbol table would need to be stored, and accessible via some toolchain api.It wouldn't be the first time Apple had to incrementally roll out capabilities to developers that were sufficiently important as time and stability permitted.However, where private methods are concerned: it's questionable whether it's a sufficient win to undertake the effort. It's even more suspect that they should be accessible outside the class itself by these other mechanisms.
How would a compile-time-only enforcement + name-mangling stop someone walking a class's method list and finding it in there?
It wouldn't. My answer only addresses the question posed by the OP.
+1  A: 

The easiest solution is just to declare some static C functions in your Objective-C classes. These only have file scope as per the C rules for the static keyword and because of that they can only be used by methods in that class.

No fuss at all.

Do these have to be defined outside the @implementation section?
Rob Jones
@Rob - no they can (and most likely should be) defined inside your classes implementation.