



You know the common stdio idiom that stdin is specified by a filename of "-", e.g.

if ((strcmp(fname, "-"))
    fp = fopen(fname);
    fp = stdin;

What's the best way to do this with an ifstream instance? I've received a bit of code that has an ifstream as part of a class and I'd like to add code to do the equivalent, something like:

if ( filename == "-")
    logstream = cin;  // **how do I do this*?*
else filename.c_str() );
+6  A: 

cin is not an ifstream, but if you can use istream instead, then you're in to win. Otherwise, if you're prepared to be non-portable, just open /dev/stdin or /dev/fd/0 or whatever. :-)

If you do want to be portable, and can make your program use istream, here's one way to do it:

struct noop {
    void operator()(...) const {}

// ...

shared_ptr<istream> input;
if (filename == "-")
    input.reset(&cin, noop());
    input.reset(new ifstream(filename.c_str()));

The noop is to specify a deleter that does nothing in the cin case, because, well, cin is not meant to be deleted.

Chris Jester-Young
thanks... this only needs to be portable to linux and osx, so /dev/stdin it is! (sigh)
Mark Harrison
Luc Hermitte
I wrote a very similar answer an hour ago, but then deleted it after re-reading this part of the question: "I've received a bit of code that has an ifstream as part of a class". The question's title is misleading in that it may be read as "how do I redirect cin to read from a file", but it is, IIUC, the reverse: The OP already has an ifstream and would like to redirect it to cin.
Éric Malenfant
Indeed. We cannot change the streambuf of an ifstream like that.As in Chris Jester-Young's solution, the exact type of the stream used needs to be changed.
Luc Hermitte