In a 'real-time', 'nuclear reactor' type system, chances are the exception handling allows the system to instead of fail, do the next best thing.
Let's say that we have a heart monitor. If it isn't receiving a signal, that might trigger an exception. In that case, the heart monitor might handle the exception by waiting a few seconds and trying again.
In a nuclear reactor, getting to a certain temperature might trigger an exception. In that case, the handling might shut off various parts of the reactor to start to cool it down, and then start them back up when it gets to a reasonable temperature.
Exceptions are meant to have a lower-level system say that it doesn't know what to do, and to have a higher level system handle it. Like in the nuclear reactor, the system that measures temperature probably doesn't know how to turn on parts of the reactor, so it triggers an exception so that some higher-level system can handle it.