



I'm thinking of using boost::weak_ptr to implement a pool of objects such that they will get reaped when nobody is using one of the objects. My concern, though, is that it's a multi-threaded environment, and it seems there's a race condition between the last shared_ptr to an object going out of scope and a new shared_ptr being constructed from the weak_ptr. Normally, you'd protect such operations with lock or something; however, the whole point here is that you don't know when the shared_ptr might be going out of scope.

Am I misunderstanding something about boost::shared_ptr and boost::weak_ptr? If not, does anybody have any good suggestions on what to do?



+5  A: 

To use a weak_ptr, you normally have to grab a strong reference by constructing a shared_ptr with it. This last step is atomic: you either get a strong reference back, or you get a bad_weak_ptr exception thrown. (Alternatively, call lock() on the weak_ptr, and either get a strong reference or null.)

Example (with lock(); easy enough to adapt to the other style):

void do_something(weak_ptr<foo> weak) {
    // Grab strong reference
    shared_ptr<foo> strong(weak.lock());
    if (strong) {
        // We now have a strong reference to use
    } else {
        // No strong references left; object already freed
Chris Jester-Young
I believe there's no need to test whether your shared_ptr is valid or not, because the constructor will throw bad_weak_ptr exceptions if your week_ptr points to the deleted object. Or you should use weak_ptr<T>::lock() which doesn't throw but can return a shared_ptr which points to NULL.
So it's atomic? The Thread Safety section in the man page leaves some doubt in my mind.
Andrew Certain
@Serge: Thank you! I'm going to fix my post.
Chris Jester-Young

Yes, ish. In terms of accessing the pointers, Boost should have made everything safe; that's part of their point.

However, if you're expecting to have a delay between when the last shared_ptr goes out, and when you want to make the next one, you'll get a null pointer. (If you're checking appropriately, you should then have an appropro fail case).

But you can't end up with an invalid shared_ptr
